laupäev, märts 31, 2007
1. aprill LPC-s
1. aprill on alanud.
neljapäev, märts 29, 2007
ta oma laulu laulab, laulab,
ta vuliseb.
Ta vahtu tekitab, on külm.
Ta päikest peegeldab, on külm.
- kõik need hääled. Õhukonditsioneeri mahe kahin-pahin, toanaabri vaiksed, urisevad norsked, mitmehäälne tsikaad akna taga, lindude vilepilline laul. Plõksatused klaviatuuril just praegusel hetkel, mil ma klahve alla vajutan, enese ebakorrapärased hingetõmbed - vahepeal nagu unustaks hingata. Ja tunnetused kehas - külm jooksmas elektrina mööda selga alla, surnuks istutud jala surin.
Kõht valutab. Ilm on õige soojaks läinud - 27 kraadi oli just täna all valvurimajakese juures. Igal neljapäeval on mul service Sai Kungis (Saigon) ja meie neli - Arikka (Kaimani saared), Cecile ja Carmen (HK) et moi - saame all valvurimajakese juures kell 15.20 kokku. Olin täna varajane ning rääkisin natuke valvuriga ilmast. Suvel on HK keskmine temperatuur 35 kraadi ja eriti just LPC-s on kuum, sest puud peatavad kõik Starfish Bay meretuuled ja linnakut läbiv asfalttee muutub hiiglaslikuks pliidiks, kus peal on võimalik muna praadida. Vähemalt nii ütles Sonny. :)
Xian4 zai4 shi4 shen1 me shi2 jian4? Mis kell on?
Legend: number sõna järel tähistab sõna tooni. Niisiis: 1 - ühtlane kõrge; 2 - tõusev; 3 - madal kergelt laskuv ja siis tõusev; 4 - kõrgelt laskuv.
Zai4 jian4! Nägemiseni!
laupäev, märts 24, 2007
reede, märts 16, 2007
T2pselt, kust te kyll teadsite, et ma istun internetikohvikus keset Yangoni, Myanmari EKSpealinna alates eelmisest aastast, ja naudin maailma aeglasemat internetti k6igest 10 krooni eest tunnis?!
Veetsin just oma elu ilusaimad 5 p2eva Aasia yhes v2himarenenud riigis, mille erip2raks on rahulolu. Ja 6nn. Siin on 6nn. T2navatel vohab vaesus, 8-16-aastased lapsed myyvad igal t2navanurgal postkaarte v6i jooksevad sulle niisama j2rele, pannes k2si palveks kokku ja n2idates oma suu peale. Aga siin ei ole n2rvilisust, kiirustamist, ahnust, isekust. Myanmari kolm p6hiv22rtust on varieeruv kliima (subtroopilisest p6hjas ekvatoriaalseni l6unas), kaunis ja mitmekesine loodus (m2ed, troopilised puud, kaunid j2rved) ning eelk6ige - p6hjus, miks ma t6en2oliselt yhel ilusal p2eval siia tagasi tulen - on s6balikud, naeratavad, muretud, abivalmis, ausad inimesed. Yangonis on elu. Siin kohtuvad erinevad rahvused ja saavad yheks. Birmalasteks. Nemad on ikka Birmast, vabast riigist.
OK, kell on 9, mis t2hendab, et pool Yangoni sulgeb. Pikemalt m6ne aja p2rast. Olen elus ja 6nnelik.
reede, märts 02, 2007
Olen ikka veel elus!
Mis siis juhtunud on? Kooli poole pealt: sain oma poole semestri (mid-term) hinded - rahuldav 36. Eesti keel - 6B, prantsuse keel 6C, hiina keel 6B, bioloogia 5A, matemaatika 7A (!!! :)), geograafia 6B. Matas tuleb algebra - integraalid ja differentseerimine (?? s6na olemasolu kysim2rgi all). Geograafias 6pime rannikuid ja homme s6idame saarele nimega Tung Ping Chau praktilist txxd tegema. Bioloogias sai just DNA l2bi - m6nus teema. :) Nyyd algab see asi, kus Krebsi tsykkel sisse tuleb - hullult biokeemiline v2rk. Eesti keeles peaks vaikselt "K6rboja peremehe" yle kordama ja J. Viidingu kogumikust "T2nan ja palun" parimad palad v2lja valima. Prantsuse keeles loeme Anouilh' "Antigonet" ja oi, kuidas ma sohki teen - mul selle raamatu eestikeelne variant kohapeal olemas! :D Ja hiina keel ... on lihtsalt hiina keel. Mis seal ikka. :P
Jalgpallist: saime Hong Kongi koolidevahelisel turniiril 2. koha! TI j2rel, mis ongi spordi- ja kunstikool ehk siis m2ngisime poolprofessionaalide vastu. Ja saime 3:0 p2he. Aga finaal oli super - meie f2nnklubi oli v6imas ja yyrgas ja lainetas ja vehkis plakatitega kogu m2nguaja. Pluss enne ja p2rast. :P Panen m6ne pildi ka. Ja siin on artikkel kohalikust ajalehest, mille keegi tore LPC-lane 2ra t6lkinud on. Lugege ja naerge :D
Miss Universal VS Miss Hong Kong
LPCUWC and Jockey Club Ti-I College
Competes for ‘Ball Queen’ Tomorrow!
The Hong Kong Inter-school Girls Football Match is going to be held in Sha Tsui Road Sportsground. It will be a ‘Ball Queen Competition’! From LPCUWC we have the ‘Miss Universal Team’ playing against the ‘Local talents’ of Ti-I College. LPCUWC has a team of only oversea (ghost) girls and is using the British ‘run-bump-shoot’ way to get into the finals. On the other hand, Ti-I College is dexterous and speedy, and uses the Asian football tactics perfectly. So what will make them the champion, their sizes or the tactics? We’ll see tomorrow!
LPCUWC coach trains throughout Africa
Ronny’s has it all! (Okay so the Chinese does not literally means this but this is the closest I can come up with.)
LPCUWC girls football team improves in such a short time, their coach Ronny Mintjens is of course the major reason for this. This Belgian teacher has an impressive background, since 1999 he started coaching in Tanzania, Africa. He was devoted in promoting African teenage football. Afterwards he was invited to coach for *, but eventually he gave up the high salaries and came to Hong Kong to teach.
When Ronny was teaching in Tanzania, Africa, he saw how many talented football players there were, so he worked hard to promote the sports there, and as a result he became the coach of many local football teams and was very popular among the locals. But Ronny believed that, in order to raise the standard of football in Tanzania, the talents must be sent to Europe to receive further training, most unfortunately his ideas were never recognized by the football team or the Authority. In the end he was invited by the * to coach their teenage football team and promote the sports.
However, Ronny does not only care about money, eventually he only coached there for three years and arrived in Hong Kong to continue his teaching profession. In addition, he set up the girls football team in LPCUWC. Ronny says, ‘I have many years of experience in coaching, so a school team is easy to get on track. Also I have seen the performance of Ti-I College. They are indeed of a high standard and very good. I am surprised, but also have my plans to defeat them.’
Female Rooney swears to stop Ti-I from winning for the 7th time!
In fact, the two teams of the final match are very different. Ti-I College has been the top team among the inter-school competitions for 6 years, while LPCUWC has joined the league for the first time and has only been established for half a year. The leader Nadia hopes that the team could get the trophy and stop Ti-I from their 7th victory!
Ti-I has always been one of the toppest schools in terms of sports and their girls football team has won champion 6 times in a row, their experience and skills are undoubtable. No wonder why they are always the ‘hot’ team. And LPCUWC is a new team. It started because Ronny Mintjens came to teach and started recruiting players. Apart form the leader Nadia Shrestha, none of the other girls had previous experience of football.
Being called ‘the girl Rooney’, Nadia, 18, from France has received football training in France since she was young. And so she is the major player of the team. Although she has only been in Hong Kong for a year and a half, she says she loves Hong Kong and LPCUWC team, she also shows thanks to all her teammates because of the effort everyone has put it. For a team of such a short history, having getting into the finals is a thing to be seriously proud of!
United World Team- Their advantage is their sizes
LPCUWC is a famous international school in Hong Kong and the students are literally from all over the world. Their football team is also made up of overseas ‘ghost’ girls. Because of this, their heights and sizes outstand within the league and the tactics are very ‘British’. Defense is strong while ‘big girls’ are in charge of attacking, which is a tough task for the ‘small girls’ of local schools.
Apart from the 3 goals made by Chenrong (a school), all five other matches the LPCUWC team managed to win by super-strong defense. The team is not winning by pure luck! In terms of tactics and organizing skills, LPCUWC may not have been better than Mangchi (the school with Emily), but with the strong physical advantages they managed to defeat Mangchi and surprised many people.
But Ronny Mintjens disagrees that the team is winning purely because of the physicalLaup2val oli j2rjekordne turniir, seekord yhep2evane ja ainult 8 v6istkonda v6ttis osa - saime I koha! H6beda k6rval ripub nyyd ka kuld minu toas riidekapi ukse kyljes - kohe r66m on vaadata. :P